How to make use of quarantine days - Tips to spend your leisure time in useful way

Best ways to keep quarantine holidays useful 

1. Gardening is the best way. You can produce your own organic vegetables too.

2. Making crafts

3. Cook your favorite dishes

4. Spending time with your family in good way.

5. Cleaning your house

6. Keep your body fit. Do exercise regularly.

7. Involve in meditation

8. Learn new things as you are eager to learn before.

9. Write blogs, daily activities, stories in order to come out from depression.

10. Reading holy books, novels, historical books etc.

11. Avoid playing games in mobile. If you are interested spend a minimal time.

12. Use this time to pamper yourself i.e follow skincare routine, little makeup everyday...

13. Invest your time in some other activities like music, dance, drawing, stitching etc.


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