Raw Banana Powder Porridge - Newborn baby recipes

     Raw Banana Powder Porridge 

Baby Recipe 3

           Bananas are must in babies nutrition after six months. Mostly we give banana in mashed or porridge form. Apart from the riped banana, we can prepare porridge from raw banana. When it comes to babies, nenndran banana is the best one. It is the most popular banana variety in kerala. It is rich in vitamins and protein. Moreover, it is a healthy food and promote weight gain.  At first, I'll note down the steps to prepare banana powder.

  • Take some raw bananas as per your requirement. 
  • Peel of the banana skin completely.
  • Slice the bananas into very thin and dry it under sunlight.
  • Make sure the banana slices are completely dried.
  • Grind it into fine powder and strain it.
  • Keep this powder in a air tight container.

From the above steps, you get the preparation of banana powder making. Then, how to prepare porridge? It is very simple, just follow the steps noted herein.

  • Take two teaspoonful of banana powder and mix it in water.
  • Place the pan in stove on low flame.
  • Stir it continously to avoid lumps.
  • Once the mixture thickens, switch off the stove.
  • Use palm sugar, if required.
