8 Reasons Why Women Should be Financially Independent


Financial Independence for women

Hello friends! Here I came up with the most important topic in our Mommy Talks session which is, the Financial Independence of Women. Before getting into the topic, we need to know What is Financial Independence? Is it really important for a woman?

The capacity to support oneself financially without help or dependence is known as financial independence. In any case, it is crucial for both men and women. Men, however, are more likely to succeed because of the freedom they enjoy in our culture. But women have to strive a lot to achieve that.

As per the report, money is the domain of men. Women are not expected to work for a living or have the authority to make financial decisions, according to society. Many women rely on their husbands or father to take care of their fundamental necessities. Not just housewives, but also working women lack financial independence because they hand over their salaries to their husbands or father as their gatekeepers.

Is Financial Independence Really Important for Women?

It’s an individual decision to think about whether financial independence is necessary or not. In my opinion, it is a must for women to be independent financially. It is not only about fulfilling the financial need, but also it is about sustaining the empowerment of women. Some of the factors you should need in your life as a woman in order to achieve financial independence.

1. To Support the Family

In the fast-moving world, we have to cope with finances every month. Because the raise of economy we are now facing is very high. In this situation, women should be a strong support to men either before marriage or after to lead a good life. Financially independent women can support their families in every possible way.

2. No Need to Depend on Others

When you complete your studies, you have the responsibility to invest your studies in a good job. Also, the family expect you to earn money or treat you as a burden in some way. Because they expect you to handle yourself in most families. But in some cases, the family itself restrict a girl not to work. After getting into a good job, you can earn money, spend and invest it. And be an independent woman not depending on others.

3. Boost your Confidence

Holding a job with a handful of money will boost your confidence in any situation. You can get the confidence to do anything, speak and execute. If you are self-confident in yourself, you can take better decisions in the family.

4. Be an Inspiration

Try to be a living example for women who are facing difficulty to incorporate themselves into a good job by breaking the family rules. Don’t always expect to take inspiration from others, try to be an inspiration from now on.

5. Manage your Emergency Funds

Our situation will always be fluctuating, sometimes it will be up and sometimes down. In any situation, back up some money for the future. It will help you to move on easily in times of facing financial difficulties.

6. Self-Respect

Apart from all those things, self-respect is important to face your life confidently. It is often ignored by women. Most of the time, we are in need of our own expenses. That leads to disrespect from our family. Our relatives, neighbours and our own family will respect you if you are financially independent.

7. Can Stand up to Injustice

Financial independence can give you more courage to voice out against injustice for yourself or for society. Also, if you are financially independent automatically people will hear what you are saying and at least take small steps to follow that.

8. Help in Emergencies

Being a part of our family burdens or emergencies is a good thing a woman should achieve. You can feel proud of yourself, and you can attain a level of mental satisfaction and fulfilment.







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