10 Important Life Lessons Every Teen Must Know


What Did I Learn in My Teenage Period?

Hello everyone, today I’m going to discuss about the life lessons that I learned from my teenage. I’m a kind of yes-person at that time. But now, that version of me was changed, and I am trying to take all the decisions on my own. If you are a person like me, then this article will be really helpful to you.

My teenage period was the replica of my parents and I totally depend on them. I will say ‘Yes’ to everyone and I don’t know how to say ‘No’. This makes me put into big trouble most of the time. The lessons I have learned from the troubles make me strong even better and gradually I started saying ‘No’ to the things that hurt me or I don't like.

It really works in my life to push myself in the process of becoming an independent woman. It takes me more time for the transformation. So, I just want to share my experience and what are the life lessons that I learned in my teenage. 

1. Express your thoughts without any hesitation:

In our teenage, we become very shy to express our thoughts. It is a major problem, which will be going to affect your future. Don't suppress your thoughts too much. Try to express your thoughts as much as possible. It will build your confidence in future to speak out for major issues. 

For example, your teacher asks a question in the classroom and you have an answer in your mind. But you hesitate to speak it boldly in doubt. Finally, someone else in your class got an appreciation for the same answer. I hope you had this experience before. So, whether it will be right or wrong, speak it out.

2. Money matters a lot:

How many of you accept the fact money is very important in your life? In my teenage period, I thought that money is not so important to lead a happy life. So, until my marriage, I was not a money-minded person and I’m not interested in making money too. 

Later, I could understand the fact that money matters a lot in our life. I know you have a question now, can we face all our problems with money? Not at all, 50% of our problems will be met by money and in return you will get some mental peace. It will help us to lead our life confidently and how to manage it without fear. 

3. Don’t Stress too much on your studies:

Everyone has their own capacity to memorize quickly in their studies. I’m like an average person in all things not only in study. But I push myself to get more marks and become disappointed often.

 I don’t know about the teacher's behaviour nowadays. In my time, average and below-average students are not appreciated for their studies and extra talents. Apart from studies, I’m interested in extracurricular activities like sports & arts. But it was not entertained during my school time. 

4. Find Happiness in Yourself:

Don’t depend too much on your friends or family. It will hurt you in many ways. For example, if your best friend is absent for a day, you cannot handle the day joyfully. You will feel alone and insecure. It is because you are depending too much on your friend. In that instance, keep one thing in mind no one will come along with our life journey permanently. 

The people we are visiting each time will be temporary people either in the form of best friends or siblings or anyone close to your heart. So keep everyone in a certain circle and enjoy your own company every time. 

5. Find your Own Value:

Do you think you are the very precious soul in this world? If you don’t feel like a gem of a person, please start doing that from now on. Self-love is important in your life to find your own value. Don’t wait for someone else to find you as a worthy person. And don’t chase behind people to prove yourself, chase yourself personally to find goodness in you.

6. Don’t be a People Pleaser:

For a very long time, I was a people pleaser and try to get good opinions from all people. If anyone says that you are a bad girl/ boy, you will feel so guilty about yourself. So don’t do that. If you think that you are going on the right path or expressing the right opinion, do it confidently. 

If the people around you start opposing, try to make them understand very politely and confidently but do not step back. Be strong in your opinions and move bravely. There is no need to change your opinion for the sake of other people.

7. Set a Thin Boundary:

You should always remind a proverb that, “Too much of anything is good for nothing”. This is what I point out as a thin boundary. In any complicated friendships or relationships or affairs, you should have a thin boundary or limit.

It will help you from heart breaks. Also, there are no compulsions in friendships or relationships to be good at all times. When you start a friendship or relationship, you might trust them blindly but it may go wrong sometimes.

 So whatever, you should set a thin line to protect yourself from toxic friendships or relationships. Your mental health is more important than welcoming fake people into your life. 

8. Don’t Expect Too Much:

You might know expectation kills always. For instance, you buy chocolate for your friend and expect for a long time that it will get in return. But your friend may forget or for reasons you may not get it again. It will hurt you and you keep it in your mind. It will break the cute bond between you both. So if you are planning to gift someone please don’t expect it in return.

9. Don’t Compare:

If you are admiring a good thing in your friend or any third person or colleague, don’t compare that quality with you. If you do so, you will get the mentality of underestimating yourself and hurting yourself. Instead, work on that continuously and incorporate that quality in you. If not, think that you will be good at something else that your friend could not do it.

10. Learn Money Management:

Handling finances, budgeting, investing and saving is a worthy lesson to be learned in our life. You can start your savings from your pocket money itself. In my childhood, I used to save money and spend it on something I was eager to buy. 


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